Rev. Dr. Jopie Rattu , D.Th , Ph.D
Director of Lembaga Rekaman Injil Indonesia (LRII) since 1979
Lecturer at Tiranus Bible College since 1990
Chairman of Church Representatives and Christian Association
(PGPK) 2006 – 2015

Sridadi Atiyanto, Ph. D.
Name : Sridadi Atiyanto, Ph. D.
Education :
1979- Graduated from the Bible College
1986 – Master of Divinity (M. Div.) 2011- Doctor of Philosophy ( Ph. D.)
Position : Chairman Tiranus Bible College since 2012

Drs.Yunus Ciptawilangga, MBA
Education :
1984 – Bachelor of English Language
1993 – Master of Business Administration
Profession : Entrepeneur in restaurants and technology of information