
Human Life Priority

Posted by on Jun 23, 2016 in Articles



Human Life Priority

The writer does not know whether the reader has experienced what often disturbed the writer’s mind when he is attending a funeral and also when he is not at a funeral.

When the writer comes to a funeral, a question would often pop up: “Actually, what is a human being’s main task in this life?” This thought becomes stronger as the writer joins in the procession of bringing the deceased to the cemetery with another thought: “If there was a major task that this person had to perform in his/her life, had this deceased person done his/her major task?”

The writer believes that there must be a task that is already planned by God for human beings to perform while living in the world, beside secondary things. This thought came up when the writer remembered the security guards in his house. The writer often sees them help in watering the plants in the morning and in the afternoon. The plants grow well, but still, should one day the house got burgled, the writer will reprimand or even dismiss them, because they neglected their primary duty, which is to maintain security of the house.

Likewise with our lives, we may have and do a lot of sideline activities, but we still have a major task as human beings created by God in His image and likeness. And it turned out that what was thought over by the writer has also been thought over by Solomon and discussed in the book of Ecclesiastes. So we

will discuss and contemplate on the book of Ecclesiastes.

ESV Ecc. 1: 1 The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem.

This was Solomon’s words and then subsequently in Ecclesiastes 2:3 he said, I searched with my heart how to cheer my body with wine–my heart still guiding me with wisdom–and how to lay hold on folly, till I might see what was good for the children of man to do under heaven during the few days of their life.”

This verse explained that Solomon really wanted to know what was best done by human beings in their lives in the world or what was in fact the priority of human life. Solomon’s seriousness in investigating the matter was described in Ecclesiastes 2:3 that Solomon exercised his wisdom and drank wine to refresh himself and insisted on or continued to

study like a fool (lay hold on folly) until he knew what the priority of human life that must be done during his short life in this world was.
