Family Worship

Posted by on Jun 23, 2015 in Articles



The writer do not remember exactly when I and my family started our family devotion or family worship. I can only remember that our family worship began about fifteen years ago when we had heared a sermon that encouraged the congregation to have a family worship.

Until that moment we have altered several times the “liturgy” or regulations in our family worship. Then finally we found what we considered to be the most suitable one, and so we continually use it till now.  

Our entire family have been experiencing the wonderful blessings of family worship in accordance with the promise of God’s word. Therefore we always encourage our big family or brothers and sisters in Christ to practice it.  Occasionally, as the writer, I even speak about this subject of family worship in sermons or seminars. We really long for all of us to be able to experience these wonderful blessings of God.

Praise God for His plan that this material can be compiled after the writer met one of God’s servants who ecouraged him to make a book of it.

Finally, all the glory be to God only, who has bestowed so great a blessing and wisdom to our family and to all of us.  Amen.

Soli Deo Gloria,

The writer

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